Submitting a book review


The submitted book reviews must be original and unpublished and must not be simultaneously under consideration in other journals, conference proceedings or books published by local or international publishing houses. 

RASAL Lingüística accepts book reviews in Spanish and Portuguese and the call for book reviews is open during the entire year. On the basis of the number of received and accepted manuscripts, the journal will opportunely communicate the year and issue in which an accepted book review  will be published.

The acceptance of a book review in Spanish or Portuguese implies the inclusion of the complete  text in Zenodo Academic Digital Repository and in all the specialized databases the Editor considers adequate for its indexicalization, which has the aim of increasing the visibility of the journal and its published content.

The publication of the journal follows an Open Access policy in order to contribute to the use and regulation of open access information. Moreover, the journal works under Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Creative Commons license. For this reason, the works published in the journal will be available for their free distribution in the web, which allows for the sharing of the published material among the members of the international scientific and academic community.

This scientific journal does not charge any fees for the editing or publication of book reviews nor will it set liens to the authors. The published content is available in its entirety and without restrictions.

The Editorial Board reserves the following rights:

  1. To invite specialists to submit articles or book reviews when necessary. In these cases, the manuscripts will also be subjected to external evaluation.
  2. To reject manuscripts whose content is deemed irrelevant.
  3. To establish the order of publication of accepted works.



  1. The text of a book review must be written in the template for book reviews that is available below. The preferred format for book reviews is a Word file (2007 version or later) and a Word and a PDF files if the book review contains special symbols.
  2. Potential contributors must first register as authors (“Autor”) in the platform. Authors must submit their book review electronically to (If you have technical problems or questions, contact RASAL Support at
  3. Together with the Word file containing the book review, an additional Word file with the abstract of not more than 100 words must also be sent.
  4. Once the author has created an account, they must enter their name, the title of the book review, and the abstract in Spanish (or Portuguese) and English. In addition, authors must edit their profile (“editar perfil”), and they must include their institutional affiliation in “Contacto”, their ORCID number and a brief bio-note of about 5 lines that specifies the author’s position, academic qualifications and research areas of interests in “Público”.
  5. The minimum length of reviews is 2.000 words and the maximum is 2.500 words for single-author books, but it can be extended to 4.000 words for collective volumes. 
  6. The following format must be used: Times New Roman font, size 10, single spacing, justified paragraphs, 16 x 23,5 centimeters page-size (top margin: 2,9 centimeters; bottom margin: 2,4 centimeters; left & right margins: 1,5 centimeters), with no separation between the paragraphs to make it easier to unify and design the originals. 
  7. For phonetic transcriptions, it is required to use the symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet and Sil Doulos font.
  8. At the end of the body of the book review, authors must include a “References” section.
  9. Format and quoting conventions as specified by the journal must be respected at all times.
  10. Metalinguistic uses and mentions, foreign language expressions, expressions in Latin, Latin abbreviations like “e.g.” and “i.e.”, among others, must be written in italics, and not in-between inverted commas. Bold type must not be used. All caps must not be used in the rest of the body of the article. Long dashes must be used for clarifications. Download the template for book reviews



  1. The entire book review should be written in an evaluative tone and it should express a stance in relation to the work being reviewed even though it may not necessarily praise every aspect of it.
  2. The topic and main problem (or topics and central problems) of the reviewed work should be made explicit at the beginning of the review.
  3. It should be specified who the work is aimed at preferably or who its potential readers are. There could be a divergence between what the authors declare as their audience and what the book reviewer considers to be the audience that truly suits the characteristics of the book.
  4. The structure of the reviewed book (its parts and chapters) must be presented along with a complete summary of its content. In the case of collective volumes, equal attention should be paid to each of the parts.
  5. If there are, glossaries, appendices or annotated bibliographies should be mentioned.
  6. It is advisable to establish relations between the reviewed book and the rest of the work by the same author or other books on the same subject matter.
  7. The reviewed book should be contextualized by relating its form and content to the time and place in which it was published.
  8. The reviewer should identify the most original contributions and the most thoroughly addressed points by the authors.
  9. It is essential that the review identifies the limitations in the scope of the work and the weaknesses in the development of the topic. This is a constitutive feature of the genre “book review”.
  10. It is advisable to cite or quote books that are directly related to the assessed text, which would allow comparisons and the identification of commonalities in the topic.



  1. Footnotes are not allowed. It is strongly advisable to keep end-notes to a minimum. All end-notes need to be included at the end of the research article.
  2. In the body of the article, end-note numbers need to be placed at the end of a sentence and after the stop.
  3. The abbreviations used in sample glosses must be listed in the “Abbreviations” section after the main body and before the “Notes” and “References” sections. Leave a space between the word and the abbreviation and separate each of them with a semi-colon.
  4. Abbreviations must be written in small caps.

  1. Short quotations (less than 3 lines long) should run-on in the text and be enclosed in double quotation marks. Include the corresponding page number/s.
  2. Longer quotations (those exceeding 3 lines) should appear as a separate block using 10-point size font and single spacing. Align the quotation 1.5 centimeter from each margin. Do not use quotation marks. Include the corresponding page number/s in all quotations.
  3. It is strongly advisable to keep quotations that are not in Spanish or Portuguese to a minimum. In case they are needed, a translation should be included in the body of the article, and it is possible to include the original quoted text in an end-note.

In case of using a corpus, it should be included in an additional section right before the “References” section. The title of this section should be “Corpus” and it must be written in small caps.


In the body of the article, the references must be indicated taking the following examples as model:

Please, follow APA (7th edition) conventions for all references at the end of an article or book review. Nevertheless, given that the available information may vary, it is expected that all references include the following:

References should be adapted to suit the following model:

Author(s). (Year). Title. Kind of resource. Version. DOI



Salinas, J. J. (1999). AMIA, el atentado. Planeta.

Sánchez, M. & Wilson, E. M. (1994). Bases teóricas de enfermería. Editorial Médica.

Albarracin Jordan, J. V. (1999). The Archaeology of Tiwanaku the Myths, History and Science of an Ancient Andean Civilization. Author’s edition.

Niebe S. (2015). Numerical Methods for Linear Complementarity Problems in Physics-Based Animation. Morgan & Claypool. January 2015.

Chomsky, N. (1974 [1957]). Estructuras sintácticas. Siglo XXI. Transl. Carlos Peregrín Otero.

For publications by more than 20 authors, include 19 authors and then use three ellipsis followed by the name of the last author.

For listing authors, use “&” in the body of the article, in the reference section and in the English abstract. In the Spanish abstract, use “y”. 

Béhague, G. (2013). Maxixe. Grove Music Online. Oxford Music Online: Oxford University Press.

Article in collective volume

Renteria Salazar, P. (2006). El comienzo de la renovación. In M. A. Flórez Góngora (Ed.), Bogotá: Renovación Urbana, Renovacion Humana (pp. 80-100). Empresa De Renovacion Urbana.

Sánchez, A. (prólogo de Ayala, D.). (2019). Contabilidad para dummies. Editorial Universitaria.

Chomsky, N. (1974 [1957]). Estructuras sintácticas. Siglo XXI. Transl. Carlos Peregrín Otero.


Renteria Salazar, P. (2006). El comienzo de la renovación. In M. A. Flórez Góngora (Ed.), Bogotá: Renovación Urbana, Renovacion Humana (pp. 80-100). Empresa De Renovacion Urbana.

Periodic publications. Bulletins and journals

Peñuela Contreras, D. M. & Rodríguez Murcia C. M. (2012). Cine y pedagogía, entre la política instituida y el pensamiento instituyente. Revista Internacional Magisterio, 54, 88—93.

Meredov, A., Klionovski, K & Shamim A. (2019). Screen-Printed, Flexible, Parasitic Beam-Switching Millimeter-Wave Antenna Array for Wearable Applications. IEEE, 1, 2-10.

Yamada, G. (17 de marzo de 2018). Setenta mil años de historia. El Comercio.

Theses or monographs

Manrique Gómez, A. S. (2013). Gentrificación de La Candelaria (Bogotá D.C). Agentes y estrategias intervinientes [Monograph].

Martínez Ribón, J. G. T. (2011) Propuesta de metodología para la implementación de la filosofía Lean (construcción esbelta) en proyectos de construcción [M.A Thesis, National University of Colombia].

Web page

Sánchez, C. (21 de febrero de 2020). Bullying Laboral – Definición y Consecuencias. No Más Bullying.

Various works by the same author must be ordered by year of publication.

For more information about APA conventions, visit: