Part-of-speech and non-verbal predication in southern Tupi-Guarani languages
Tupí-Guaraní, southern languages, part-of-speech, nominal predication, locative predicationAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the expression of nominal and locative non-verbal predication from a comparative point of view in three southern Tupi-Guarani languages, and the possibility of noun phrases to receive (or not) typically verbal affixes. From this inquiry, the study aims to contribute to the typological classification of the part-of-speech system, and the typology of non-verbal predication in Tupí-Guaraní languages in the light of theoretical developments from funcionalist-typological framework. The study is based on primary data collected through personal fieldwork, and secondary sources from the languages Chacoan Guaraní, Paraguayan Guarani and Tapiete.
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