Between neutralism and adversarialness: the functions of reported speech in political interviews during the argentinian discursive polemic regarding agro export taxes (2008)
Published 2022-01-20
- political interviews,
- discursive polemic,
- reported speech,
- mediated political discourse
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Copyright (c) 2022 Alejandra Gabriela Palma
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
The aim of this paper is to analyze the functions of reported speech in political television interviews aired during the 2008 Argentinian polemic regarding new taxes on grain exports (Aronskind & Vommaro, 2010). The theoretical framework includes elements from the Theory of Argumentation in Discourse (Amossy, 2014), Mediated Political Discourse Analysis (Fairclough, 2005; Fetzer & Weizman, 2006) and Conversation Analysis (Heritage & Clayman, 2010). The corpus consists of four interviews given by two leaders of the agrarian sector to the political news programs A dos voces and Palabras más, palabras menos. By focusing on the analysis of direct and indirect quotes in the discourse of the interviewers, this paper considers: 1) the distribution of the linguistic forms and the type of attribution of the quotes; 2) the functions of these quotes in agenda management; and 3) some strategic uses identified in each program. Results show that, on the one hand, the employment of quotes, in different functions, constitutes a key tool in interviewing practices, and, on the other, that its strategic use seems to point to the configuration of diverse ways to embody the role of interviewer before a discursive polemic.
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