Issue 2022 - Vol. 1

Direct object duplication in rio de la plata spanish: a statistical analyis of acceptability judgment

Federico Alvarez
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Santiago Gualchi
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Laura Tallon
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Charo Zacchigna
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Portada del número 2022 vol. 1

Published 2022-03-21


  • methodology,
  • judgments of acceptability,
  • syntax,
  • Spanish,
  • clitics

How to Cite

Alvarez, F., Gualchi, S., Tallon, L., & Zacchigna, C. (2022). Direct object duplication in rio de la plata spanish: a statistical analyis of acceptability judgment. RASAL Lingüística, (1), 07–35.


This article presents a procedure for collecting judgments of acceptability in order to contribute to the debate on the use of quantitative methodology in linguistics. For this, the authors evaluated the hypotheses of Gualchi (2019) on the grammaticality of sentences with duplication of the direct object in Rioplatense Spanish. Gualchi (2019) argues that there are three possibilities for the clitic’s agreement when the position of direct object is occupied by a coordination: agreement with the whole construction, agreement with the first coordinated or with the last coordinated; and two possible readings: collective and distributive. The mentioned work is based on informal judgments and does not consider all the possible combinations of the observed variables. This research postulates that submitting the phenomenon to a quasi-experimental study on a quantitative basis will result in the same conclusions in terms of acceptability, but will provide a greater level of detail in the analysis. Two experiments were conducted where the acceptability of different sentences was evaluated through a Likert scale. The results indicate that five of the predictions were supported by the data, but the case of total agreement and distributive reading showed high acceptability scores, opposite to the predictions.


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