Issue 2024 - Vol. 1

Individuation and depersonalization in Mapudungun. A contribution to referentiality in Amerindian languages

Lucía Golluscio
Universidad de Buenos Aires / Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Published 2024-03-18

How to Cite

Golluscio, L. (2024). Individuation and depersonalization in Mapudungun. A contribution to referentiality in Amerindian languages. RASAL Lingüística, (1), 119–142.


I will explore the domain of referentiality in Mapudungun (peripheral Andean, isolate, Central-Southern Chile and Southern Argentina, South America). A study of referentiality necessarily encompasses two dimensions: the individuation of referents and their anchorage in discourse (Lehmann, 2015). This article focuses on some individuation strategies, in particular, the identification, demotion or highlighting, and deletion of referents in this language, based on an analysis of the inverse construction, the passive voice and noun incorporation, all of which have been subject to research on both sides of the Andes. I therefore aim, on the one hand, to unify and further accounts of my own authorship along with those of other researchers, within the framework of a theory of reference, and on the other hand, to provide new evidence for the hypothesis that Mapudungun is characterized by the prevalence of semantic-pragmatic features of the referents involved over thematic roles in determining syntactic functions (Golluscio, 2010). In the first part, I identify and compare the referential values of the agent in inverse and passive constructions. In the second part, I focus on noun incorporation, a productive process in Mapudungun, including intransitive verbs in the analysis. Finally, I propose an integral explanation from the perspective of individuation encompassing the three phenomena here considered.


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