Introduction: Temporal Inquiries in Spanish




tense, lexical aspect, grammatical aspect, Aktionsart


Temporality as a linguistic phenomenon presents special challenges for linguistic studies, because it encompasses categories of diffuse delimitation, such as tense, grammatical aspect and lexical aspect. In addition, temporal inquiries are transversal to the whole grammar, being equally relevant to different disciplines, such as morphology, lexical semantics, and syntax. In this introduction, we present the dossier “Temporal Inquiries in Spanish”, which also includes five articles addressing several topics related to the categories of tense, grammatical aspect, and lexical aspect. The introduction includes a brief contextualization of the theoretical import of these categories in linguistics in general and specially in Spanish studies, and a summary presentation of the aforementioned articles.


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How to Cite

Trebisacce, R., & Carranza, F. (2024). Introduction: Temporal Inquiries in Spanish. RASAL Lingüística, (2), 59–67.


