Issue 2019 - Vol. 1

Authorial subjectivity in La modestia by Rafael Spregelburd

Mariano Nicolás Zucchi
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional de las Artes
Portada del número 2019 vol. 1

Published 2019-01-21


  • subjectivity,
  • dramatic text,
  • polyphony,
  • authorial ethos,
  • Spregelburd

How to Cite

Zucchi, M. N. (2019). Authorial subjectivity in La modestia by Rafael Spregelburd. RASAL Lingüística, (1), 83–102.


In this article we analyze the enunciative configuration of La modestia by Rafael Spregelburd (2000). In particular, we study the way in which the dramatic text builds an image of its author. Specifically, we observe that the piece generates a representation of the playwright as someone who mocks the characters that he is in charge of presenting. However, this positioning does not remain stable. In effect, at the end of the text there is a shift at the enunciative level that modifies the image of the writer, who is now presented as someone who expresses a compassionate attitude towards the main characters. Finally, regarding the theoretical perspective adopted, this study is carried out within the Enfoque dialógico de la argumentación y la polifonía (García Negroni, 2009, 2016a, 2016b, 2018, 2019), a non-veritativist theory of the linguistic meaning.


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