Issue 2019 - Vol. 1

Does discourse practice condition prosody? Evidence from a lecture and an interview in Rioplatense Spanish

Gonzalo Eduardo Espinosa
Universidad Nacional del Comahue / IPEHCS-CONICET
Alejandra Eva Dabrowski
Universidad Nacional del Comahue
Portada del número 2019 vol. 1

Published 2019-01-21

How to Cite

Espinosa, G. E., & Dabrowski, A. E. (2019). Does discourse practice condition prosody? Evidence from a lecture and an interview in Rioplatense Spanish. RASAL Lingüística, (1), 7–31.


This paper analyses the prosodic characteristics of spontaneous speech as conditioned by the type of discourse practice. Speech is compared in two different types of discourse by the same speaker, a conference and an interview, both related to popular science presentations on the same topic. Prosody is analysed at the prosody-pragmatics interface: nuclear tone configurations and phrasing in relation to their pragmatic meaning. In this line, intonation is studied in terms of the coding and processing of foreground and background information. Results show that there are differences in relation to phrasing and the frequency of occurrence of certain tonal configurations. These differences are explained taking into account the specific contextual characteristics of each discourse practice. Specifically, the degree of accessibility and the possibility of communicative repairs are considered. The findings pave the way for further research into other communicative situations with different speakers and different modes of discourse organisation.


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