Issue 2024 - Vol. 2

Lexical aspect and resemantization

Julieta Straccia
UNGS / Instituto de Filología - Universidad de Buenos Aires
Portada del número 2014 vol. 2

Published 2024-09-28


  • neology,
  • semantic change,
  • generative lexicon,
  • temporal noun,
  • lexical aspect

How to Cite

Straccia, J. (2024). Lexical aspect and resemantization. RASAL Lingüística, (2), 69–89.


The present article aims to analyze multiple semantic neologisms, whose neological meaning corresponds to temporal abstract nouns. The eventive structure of these nouns will be analyzed from the perspective of the Generative Lexicon. The lexical aspect is considered in a compositional way, which implies understanding the interaction between the eventive structure and the argument structure.

In this article, the changes that occur in the eventive structure of several nouns will be observed to study whether or not modifications occur in this structure when the noun is resemantized. In this way, for example, cachetazo, which in its established sense is presented as a specific event, is resemantized only regarding a part of the eventive structure of the established sense (the final stage) with the sense of ‘fact that moves’ and it becomes a durative event (“Durante el cachetazo de 2008, Buffett amplió sus posesiones”).

This paper aims to reflect one of the properties proposed in the Generative Lexicon, infraspecification, which would explain the change from one type of event to another when resemantized. The intention of this article is to contribute to the analysis of temporal nouns and, in particular, the eventive structure.


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