Some observations on the acquisition of quantification
Published 2020-09-21
- quantification,
- negation,
- pedagogical grammar,
- late-acquired structures
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Copyright (c) 2020 José María Oliver, Lucía Alabart Lago
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
In this work we will analyze the interaction between quantification and negation, which gives rise to a late-acquired phenomenon that involves syntactic-semantic and pragmatic aspects (Hurtado 1982, 1984; Pascual 2018). We argue that this is due to the complexity of the interaction, which allows for different possible interpretations. Ambiguous structures license two interpretations —one isomorphic and one non-isomorphic— the disambiguation of which depends on pragmatic, syntactic, and/or semantic factors. We believe that quantification is a developmental phenomenon (Noveck 2001). However, there are several explanations about the acquisition of the structures involving quantification and negation. Logical and pragmatic observations (Noveck et al 2007, among others) must be complemented with syntactic motivations (Musolino & Lidz 2006) and with other aspects (Gennari & Macdonald 2006). On the other hand, if it is considered that these are late-acquired structures, the teaching approach is important. As opposed to what happens in the treatment of the topic in textbooks, we believe that the pedagogical strategies to address its particularities should aim at the activation of structures (Pascual 2018), and thus reflect progress in the acquisition of competence.
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