Issue 2020 - Vol. 1

T he periphrasis hube de + infinitive with avertive value in Spanish

Carsten Sinner
Universität Leipzig
Jana Dowah
Universität Leipzig
Portada del número 2020 vol. 1

Published 2020-03-16


  • verbal periphrases,
  • avertive meaning,
  • Galicia,
  • Cuba,
  • River Plate

How to Cite

Sinner, C., & Dowah, J. (2020). T he periphrasis hube de + infinitive with avertive value in Spanish. RASAL Lingüística, (1), 7–28.


In this contribution, we present the results of a (partially) representative perception study which was carried out to determine how the verbal periphrasis hube de + inf. is understood in the European, Cuban, Uruguayan and Argentinian varieties of Spanish and whether its avertive value in Galician might have led to the presence of this category in these varieties. Analysis of interviews conducted in different cities in Spain (Barcelona, Madrid, Santiago de Compostela), Argentina (Buenos Aires, Mendoza, Santiago del Estero, Tucumán, Córdoba and other cities in the province of Córdoba), Uruguay (Montevideo), and Cuba (Havana, Santa Clara), showed that in the Cuban variety of Spanish and in River Plate Spanish —Uruguay, Buenos Aires— there is no trace of an influence of the Galician avertive hube de + inf., while in the variety used in the city of Córdoba, the existence of at least a perception of the avertive hube de + inf. was observed.


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