Issue 2024 - Vol. 1

The linguistic realization of requests in speech addressed to little children in Argentina

M. Laura Ramírez
Celia R. Rosemberg
Carla De Benedictis

Published 2024-03-18


  • linguistic realization,
  • requests,
  • child directed speech,
  • pragmatic function,
  • home interaction

How to Cite

Ramírez, M. L., Rosemberg, C. R., & De Benedictis, C. (2024). The linguistic realization of requests in speech addressed to little children in Argentina. RASAL Lingüística, (1), 27–52.


In daily at home interactions, children have been reported to be addressed with an important amount of requests (Jackson-Maldonado et al., 2011; Kuchirko et al., 2020) of actions or verbal response. Although various researches have analyzed the linguistic realization of requests, these studies have focused on interactions between adults (Schamne, 2020) or on family interactions in populations that differ linguistically and culturally from the Argentine population (Antaki & Kent, 2015; Arosson & Cekaite, 2011; Becker, 1994; Blum-Kulka, 1990; Takada, 2013). We conducted a qualitative analysis (Glaser & Strauss, 1967; Strauss & Corbin, 1991) of the linguistic realization of requests for action and for verbal response in speech addressed to Argentine children between 8 and 36 months of age in at home interactions. The results revealed the use of both direct forms –imperatives– and indirect forms –questions, declarative statements– for the formulation of requests addressed to children. These results are compared with the previous literature.


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